Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Bureaucracy and the technocracy all due to politocracy follow the general Indian situation with all its social disharmony, hostility, confrontation and great tension. But ultimately there must be some resolution of conflicting ideas for arriving at the truth.
Co-operation between the different sections of the society are the most elementary process of social life without which the existence of society is impossible. Individuals and groups work together to achieve their common objectives. Conflict on the other hand, is the reverse of co- operation. It is the process where individuals and groups try to prevent the achievements of certain objectives by others. This happens when interests are exclusive. Whenever physical force is involved in the process, it is violence.
Parker, the sociologist, was of the view that conflict is not necessary destructive, according to her, the most resolving conflict is integration in which the concerned parties thrash out the ways of achieving the goals of conflicting desires, elimination or compromise does not resolve conflicts. Authority is the root of evils. Most of the decisions are collective. Many sociologists believe that conflict is very essential for social progress and economic development as less. Capable persons are eliminated in the process. Competitions, oppositions are all very essential and beneficial for the society. Conflicts, competitions and oppositions are all very common in very organization all over the world. In some society, they become very predominant while in some others, conflict is very amiably settled.

Conflict Management and societal Responsibility
Conflict arises when men strive to attain mutually exclusive interests. Resources are limited. Supposing more food grains are needed, naturally new lands should be brought in under cultivation. Instead, if some fertile land grabbed from the weaker section, conflict is bound to occur. If man can understand their social responsibilities, if the can realize their ambitions within the framework of human co-operation, conflict becomes beneficial to the society. The members can have conflicts with natural obstacles that obstruct them from the attainment of their goals.
Of course, conflict in the mild from is never absent in any society. But if conflict creates violence and destruction, then it should be removed from the society. What is a really needed is the will to suppress it?

Conflict, when it exists may resolve it in many ways. Sometimes it ends with the defeat of one party. If the conflicting parties discover that they have harmonious interests, conflict is transformed to co-operation. As for example, to competing firms may pool their resources together to do business to avoid much waste if both the firm’s cooperative ideals.

Members should establish certain values in the society. Many conflicts arise due to differences in the values systems of individuals and groups in the society. Congruence between the ideals of the state and those of the individuals and groups is very essential.
Dignity of labour is another important societal, responsibility. If each member of the society realizes that efforts are given for the progress of the society, the country can take a big leap. A famous American president said, “Don’t ask what your country given you; ask what you give to your country.’’    

Members should lead a simple living with high thinking. Great Man like Einstein led a very simple life as a commoner but achieved great things in their life span. This should be the motto   of every member in the society.

There should be sincere and proper administration in the rural sectors where rural people should be made to understand their duties. For this a strong structure of general education is needed to reach grass root-end level. There is nothing    in the world to substitute education. Education give culture, high thinking and great principles to the people. It makes people healthy physically and mentally. Prof Raja Ramanna says that in India we respect authority more than knowledge. This is the reason for all our troubles. There is a need for making educational institutions more autonomous with clear-cut laid down allocation of funds and continuous monitoring  and appraisal of entire specialists who work in the country through multi -channel control and integrated computerized data processing system.                                                                  

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